
Housing Degeneration is the single most corrosive factor that has been being used to change the demographics and the social compositions of the whole Community in Tower Hamlets. For the worse.

In Uncategorized on August 14, 2014 by Khoodeelaar! the Daily Campaign for the Defence of the Community with Caring Compassion and Enlightenment and for Justice and Accountability and against all elements and contents of Big Biz Ideology and Neo Cons Agenda as fronted by the Crossrail OTT

14 August 2014  Housing Degeneration in Tower Hamlets via the Tower Hamlets Council 


(Commenting on a post about Council leases with the RSLs to be discontinued by the TH Council) 

14 August 2014

Too true and about time too.

Also noticeable is the alarming fact that for years now, locally elected Councillors in Tower Hamlets haven’t uttered one word of concern about any aspect of the housing robbery that’s been taking place in the Borough.

When they did the hype in support of Council housing sock transfer, touts engaged by Tower Hamlets Council made untrue and misleading promises to tenants and spieled out long lists of assurances.

It is a decade now since those falsehoods and there isn’t a single report from Tower Hamlets Council about the disastrous stock transfer.

Instead, the Council sneaks in plugs for some of the ex RSLs under any excuse. One of the “first ones” gets frequent sneaky plugs via the Council’s own Town Hall Pravda.

Why is that allowed to happen and no Councillor from any “Political Group” on Tower Hamlets Council seen prepared to take a stand, even formally and even occasionally?

Are Tower Hamlets Councillors neutralised by something and are thereby deterred from even speaking out?

Housing Degeneration is the single most corrosive factor that has been being used to change the demographics and the social compositions of the whole Community in Tower Hamlets. For the worse.

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